How to Find Praja Palana Application Number
Praja Palana Application Number helps in finding Praja Palana status.
Some applicants didn’t received their application number. It may be either by mistake or error by the officer. If you submit Praja Palana Application at the office they’ll give you an acknowledgement with details on it. Application number is very important. Some applicants got receipt but no application number on it and some applicants didn’t get receipt . So this article helps you in finding Praja Palana Application number.
How to Find Praja Palana Application Number
Usually Praja Palana Application number will be on Praja Palana Acknowledgement or receipt. If you don’t have Application number on your receipt don’t worry, Visit the nearest mee seva centre or the office where you submitted the application. The officer will verify your documents and will provide you with an Application Number.
How to Find Praja Palana Application Number without receipt or Acknowledgement
If you don’t have Praja Palana receipt with you. Visit the mee seva centre with your documents so they’ll verify your details and give you Application Number.
With the Praja Palana Application Number you can find Praja Palana Application Status. Refer to this for Praja Palana Application Status.
Telangana Praja Palana Application Status- Check Status at