White Ration Card Holders are Eligible for Gas Cylinder Subsidy Telangana-Latest Update

Today Telangana Government passed orders for implemnentation of Gas Cylinder Subsidy under Mahalakshmi scheme. Praja Palana Applicants and White ration card holders are eligible for the scheme. There are some requirements to be eligible for the scheme. 

Eligibility criteria for Gas Cylinder at Rs-500 in Telangana

Eligibility criteria for Gas Cylinder at Rs-500 in Telangana

Government introduced this scheme for women empowerment and to provide a smoke free cooking environment to households. 

Eligible beneficiaries will get a Subsidy of Rs-500 per refill. Government planning a working on a method where users directly pay only Rs-500 and obtain the cylinder instead of paying full amount and getting subsidy later. 

The Telangana State Government will transfer the required amount in advance to OMC(Oil Marketing Companies).

Government also ordered district collectors to monitor the functionaries and make sure of supply the cylinders only to eligible beneficiaries.

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