Goodbye Truecaller-Now see who’s calling directly: TRAI 

Truecaller is the most popular app. Everyone uses it for mobile number search and spam alerts. Though it’s a dialer app we use it for identifying who’s calling. TRAI announced telecom operators to let users know who’s calling. The caller’s name will be directly visible on the dialer app.

We see caller ID in google phone app and also if the number is saved the contact name is visible only unknown numbers are displayed with the callers name.

Nowadays people are suffering a lot with fake calls, spam calls, loan offers and many other promotion stuff. Truecaller helps a lot in identifying the numbers but according to some sources even truecaller is not safe so TRAi has taken the decision to display the caller’s name directly without need of any app. 

When a new SIM or mobile connection is registered on a person’s name basic details and identity verification needed so the connection holder’s name is now directly visible.

This proposal was introduced 2 years ago and now it is going to be made available in India. 

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